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Pricing | jQuery Slider, WordPress Slideshow, jQuery Video GalleryThe listed price is in US Dollars and does NOT include any tax. For Australian customers, extra 10% GST will be collected.
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Stay Connected - Cole InternationalStay connected with us at Cole International. We are your full-service logistics and customs broker with offices located in the United States and Canada.
Customs Broker Freight Forwarding - Cole InternationalWith offices across Canada and the U.S., Cole International provides customs brokerage and freight forwarding services to companies across North America.
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Culture of Caring - Cole InternationalCulture of Caring is the signature brand of our brokerage business and is intended to provide a complete service to our clients.
Our History - Cole InternationalFull-service logistics and customs broker with offices located in the United States and coast to coast in Canada, including all major Canada/U.S. border crossings.
Mission, Vision and Values - Cole InternationalCole International is your full-service logistics and customs broker with offices located in the United States and coast to coast in Canada, including all major Canada/U.S. border crossings.
Careers - Cole InternationalCole International is a logistics solutions provider offering a full spectrum of services from customs brokerage, freight forwarding and trade consulting. Check
Industries - Cole InternationalContact us at Cole International for customs brokerage and freight forwarding services. We offer a Full-service logistics and customs brokerage in the US and Canada.
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